Feature interview #1,637 in an ongoing series. June 2024, I met Autumn Killers in London for a chat on the forthcoming new album release ‘Making Waves,’ which follows their critically acclaimed Album of the Month ‘Darkside.’ The band came runner-up for our Band of the Year countdown in November 2023, a result which followed a year of weekly engagement with radio listeners. The result also underscores how far the perception of true popularity for a band can live beyond what you see, or what is boosted in the social media world. Autumn Killers are good, authentic people. They write the music that they believe in and, with their run of covers, they also have a great sense of humour. This interview involves all three band members ahead of their London show with Carbellion and Violet Blend. The audio is a bit of a journey, from light-hearted silly to serious and reflective, and is a natural take on a fun conversation. The interview captures the human excitement just before a show and the silly banter reflects the role rock music can play to help us smile and let off steam – in a world that at times is all too serious and when many are finding everyday life pretty tough.

After the interview, do check out the Autumn Killers album pre-order goodies. CD and vinyl formats available at

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