With so many of us stuck at home during these anxious times I’ve put together a new daytime Great Music Stories series of artist hour specials for April. Every weekday day in April, I’ll be bringing you a band hour special in words and music on – airing daily every day at midday: Hopefully some original audio content during the daytime hours that can brighten your day and make you smile.
Today’s hour follows an hour of radio over the weekend – drawing together a number of interview shorts with As Sirens Fall over the last 6 months. We start with the band on the tour bus following news they’d won Single of the Year – and it comes up to date with Holy Water, with the Band voted Band of the Month for April. The Susan thread becomes apparent during the interviews.
And for those that want a bit of fun music chat whilst listening, swing by on Twitter @GuyB_rockshow between midday and 1pm and say ‘Hi.’
I hope this story inspires you to dig deeper and check out the band, one that epitomises modernity and authenticity for guitar-based music. This hour will be online to enjoy for the next few days so do share it with your friends.
Follow the band online:
Twitter: @assirensfall
Facebook @assirensfall
Any comments do drop me a line on Twitter @GuyB_rockshow – and if there’s an artist you’d like me to interview next – do let me know!